Pool Events and Schedule

Recreation Program Overview

Each year we include a few programs in and out of the pool intended for the enjoyment of all ages. Please refer to our yearly calendar overview and activity brochure found on the events pages. Some of the activities that are typically run each year are also described below.

Crafts - Tuesday & Thursday @ 12:15pm

During this time, the lifeguards will help the children design and make a craft that they can take home. This activity is open to children 12 years and under however, due to the large number of participants, a guardian must accompany children under the age of 5.

This is a great opportunity for the children and parents/guardians, to get to know other members in the community, so keep this in mind when signing up, because we look forward to getting to know you better.

Aqua Fit  - Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday @ 7pm

This adult recreation program is a popular form of aerobic exercise. The 45-minute class involves activities that use the water's natural resistance against the body to trim and condition. Classes will be held with musical accompaniment. Sign up information will be sent out in our weekly email update. Please ensure you have registered to receive updates.

Theme Nights - Wednesdays at 6:30pm

Every Wednesday from 6:30-8, there will be a different theme night. Sign your kids up at the guard office beforehand!

Lane Swim - Monday to Friday 12 to 1pm; Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday 7 to 8pm

Time slots have been set aside in the pool schedule for lane swim open to all patrons in a calm and quiet setting. If, during any other times, patrons wish to swim laps, the lifeguard will be happy to put in a lane rope. Note: Friday am has been cancelled for remainder of the summer.

Summer Camp - 2024 Registration is now closed. Thanks for signing up! 

Join us for a variety of activities including crafts, tennis, group games & activities, and swimming.  (Campers who have not passed the deep end test, must wear life jackets when swimming). Note: LIMITED SPOTS. Registration is first come, first served. 

Dates: Monday, August 26th - Friday,  August 30th
Times: 9am - 12pm
Ages: Going into SK (born 2019) to going into grade 6 (2013).
Price: $75 for the first 2 campers in each family, $50 for each child thereafter. 

Camp will be run by the lifeguards and high school volunteers. Campers must be members of Beechwood West 1 Home Association. If space allows, we will open it up to friends of campers.

Next steps:

Weather policy/cancellation policy

We will endeavour to run camp rain or shine. However, if there is significant rainfall, thunder or lightning, camp will be cancelled that day. Please ensure you provide a contact number so you can be reached should you need to pick up your camper early.