Tennis Key Fobs
Tennis Key Fobs
We hope you will be able to enjoy the tennis courts this summer!
In order to access the courts, you'll need a key fob. Please email to obtain a key fob. Include your first and last name, house number and street name. Each household is entitled to one key fob to use year after year. If you have no plans to use the tennis courts, then you are not required to have a key fob.
If you happen to lose or misplace your key fob, please email with your house number and street name. We'll check to see if it's been turned in. If the fob is in fact lost, it will be deactivated. The cost of a new fob is $30, and payments should be made via cheque or email money transfer. Please contact for details on how to make a payment. Once payment has been received, a new key fob will be programmed and delivered to your house.
If you are new to the neighbourhood and a key fob was left by the previous owner, please email grounds to have your contact information updated. The original key fob will remain active. If the previous owner did not leave a key fob, contact grounds to have a new one issued. There is no charge for new owners, even if a key fob was issued to previous owners.